

“I call Architecture frozen music.” - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe.
"And walk not on the earth with conceit and arrogance", Al-Isra 17:37.
"O ye who believe! Do not squander one another’s wealth in vanities, but
let there be amongst you traffic and trade by mutual good will.", An-Nisa 4:29.


An architectural practice registered with the Registrar of Company on 8th June 2006. Prior to its incorporation, the company had previously operated under the name and style of AFFRIN ARCHITECT i.e. a sole proprietor company which was formed in 16th June 2004.


The Decision

To operate as a body corporate was synonymous with the company’s vision to better serve her clients. The company has grown from its infancy and within reasonable time frame has expanded to what it is now.

As an architectural practice, the company believes in providing quality, innovative and creative solutions to tasks given. This profile highlights the vast project experience by the directors, its key personnel, current and past projects.